The 4 Horsemen (make that idiots) are beginning to speak out on the NC gun shop billboard we discussed this week.They want to create a new narrative and shame people who see their evil ways and attempts at tearing down our country.
Speaking of narratives, maybe no entity is in a position to control it like Google.Their bias is clear and you are not their favorite people.
Around Florida alimony appears to be back in play for the next legislative session, UF could be on the path to allowing free speech (and paying for not), a local judge is taking some heat, but should she be?
Tim Walters from Florida Today will join us at 8am and we’ll have a series of topics to tackle including teacher pay, baseball brawls and a new space suit.
We’ll kick off the day with a question: if you commit a crime and need a getaway car, but don’t have one, do you call Uber or Lyft?
If you can’t get a Lyft after crime…try Uber!
The 4 (Horsemen) Idiots react to NC gun shop billboard
Alimony back in play next session
UF allowing free speech again?
Judge Lemonidis accepts reprimand
Trashing our elections…could be coming
The Supremes…suddenly not the final word?