Lying Candidate Admits It; Mark Walker Out of Amendment 4 Case

We have seen far too many stories where authorities shut down a kid’s lemonade stand because of code and license violations.What about a kid’s Beer Stand?The results are better.

Remember the Central Florida candidate who could not back up claims she operated on Pulse victims?When challenged she asked why she would lie about that…well, she’s now admitted the lie, we’ll see if the she can say why.

Chief US District Judge Mark Walker in Tallahassee has injected himself into Florida elections time and time again.He’s now being forced out of the Amendment 4 case for a very interesting reason.It’s called smart legal maneuvering.

County Commissioner John Tobia is doing a great job at crafting an unnecessary policy on civility for Brevard County Commissioners.It seems like a ploy to provide political cover for fellow Commissioner Bryan Lober who can’t keep his own foot out of his mouth. Tobia is toughening up the policy by giving it some penalty provisions, but it’s tough enough for commissioners to communicate with Sunshine Laws, this seems stupid.

We have all those stories and more in play on this Thursday edition of BML.


Cops who get a kid’s refreshment stand…and have a laugh

PETA goes stupid on iguana hunting

Oops!Former candidate admits lying about pulse involvement

Election tampering judge Mark Walker forced out of Amendment 4 case

Mental Health education mandate hits Florida schools

Brevard proposed budget $1.31b

Tobia toughens proposed (and unnecessary) civility ordinance

Grad student being investigated for logical biological claims

Uber/Lyft pay drivers to protest law making them employees

Why do we pay (and borrow) for college when this is what we get?

West Palm Beach driving out the homeless- sort of

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