The marijuana industry is reshaping a lot of things in the country besides brains.Is it smart to ban pre-employment testing for pot just because it’s legal?Does legalization equal safety?Bill Maher is using a term we’ve been using lately regarding President Trump…WINNING!And speaking of, it’s Independence Day not political protest day…is the baby Trump in a diaper balloon appropriate at the nation’s 4th of July celebration?
The Pulse terror attack was tragic.The anniversary was yesterday and the governor took heat for his proclamation honoring the victims.Apparently the most important thing about them was that they were gay.Oh, Hispanic was tossed in the mix also, but the LGBT crowd was the most vocal.
The governor is making other news: While he’s about to sign the budget next week (and the threat of his veto pen is real), he also has some ideas of how to change the constitutional amendment process in Florida.
And for our side of Bernie: the presidential hopeful believes we’ll be glad to pay more in taxes to bring about socialism!What do you think?I was thinking if socialism is successful, who’s left to pay taxes?And where is the bread line?
No pre-employment testing for pot
It’s Independence Day, not flaunt political hatred day!
Pulse: a memorial or a promotion of gay life?
DeSantis has ideas on the amendment process
Budget signing next week…maybe