We are a funny people.Yes, we are all different and we handle situations in different ways.Some of them are funny, some are dangerous and some are downright mean.
That Titusville airbnb homeowner has a win with the city’s code board.They said sine he is not renting out the entire home he’s good.I’ll bet some folks are fuming!Melbourne has MLK Boulevard on the way.
In Tallahassee news activists are trying to ruin primary elections, Jon Morgan is doing his best to kill small business and the Democrats are not happy with their party’s efforts at a Florida strategy.
FloridaPolitics.com has polled political influencers about the legislative session.We’ll take a look if we get the chance, but today is your day, WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY.What’s on your mind?
Which side brings dignity to the discussion?
Titusville code board rules for homeowner
Activists want to ruin primary Elections
John Morgan tries to kill small business