Welcome to YOUR day!Wide Open Wednesday gives you the chance to drive the conversation on BML.When you call with your topic we’ll let you introduce the concept, toss out your opinion and then give the rest of us a chance to weigh in.It’s that easy.Just call with your subject and it takes off: 321-768-1240.
Leave it to me and we do here: How we are running athletics; do we want to see movie remakes all PC’d up?Can the Civility Brevard #metoo event remain civil?If you heard of a college suspending a student for posting a photo with a firearm where would it be?If you said anything other than Florida, think again.The Florida cabinet will meet in Israel after a suit to stop it failed.
Your call or mine, here we go with a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY!
What are we doing to athletics? #this!
Do we like our remade movies with a side of Political Correctness?
Suit fails, FL cabinet meeting to go in Israel
DeSantis veto keeps status quo for Melbourne-Tillman Water District