The "burkini" is so HOT! (and other inclusive nonsense)

If we were watching PASSWORD the announcer would whisper, “The password is burkini.”The players would be stumped and we’d laugh as they struggled to give clues and guess the answer.The answer is: Sports Illustrated has fallen prey to political correctness and this whole “inclusiveness” push.So have some customers of an Illinois burger joint.To its credit, the burger joint is standing its ground.

Have kids heading to college or the workforce?You may want to share our list with them.The fastest declining jobs in the country could give them a clue about their pursuits.

Massachusetts prosecutors and public defenders are suing ICE for showing up at the courthouse in a search for illegal immigrants.And we thought the feds and the state were on the same side.

USA TODAY is going after rogue cops.The numbers appear staggering, but there could be other considerations in play.

The legislature is moving right along and just yesterday several bills headed to the governor’s desk while work continues on others.They have until Friday.



The Swimsuit Edition: this time it’s about the suit…or politics

And so’s this…suddenly I want a burger!

Disappearing jobs...what to seek and NOT

Prosecutors/Public Defenders join activists in suing ICE

USA Today going after rogue cops

Texting while driving a primary offense in July

Foreign drug bill also to be signed

Senate passes fine bill in knee jerk reaction

Criminal justice reform under way as session closes

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