When you are a school district there are many things you do that just aren’t about education.You manage facilities, restaurants, athletic venues and even traffic.Much of this isn’t thought of unless you’re involved.Even simple things can back up…like cutting grass.Interesting options have been considered.
It appears we have struck gold in Brevard’s new Office of Tourism Executive Director Peter Cranis.He and the State attorney’s Office are taking a look at conflicts of interest that have been long apparent on the Tourism Development Council.
Representative Tyler Sirois joins us in our second hour today as we have one week left in the legislative session.Some issues are coming to resolution while others remain in limbo.Both houses of the legislature have decided that funding a memorial to the PULSE shooting in Orlando is a good idea.Why?I can see a group of advocates coming together to make the memorial happen, but to expect the state to fund it is a bit much.
It’s interesting that a group that purports itself to be one of and for voters is against voter protection measures in Tallahassee.The League of Women Voters is apparently not in the voter advocate business at all.
After Guilty Gillum agreed to pay a fine for his misdeeds the Tallahassee Democrat has penned an editorial that may surprise you.
USA Today is going after rogue cops.They are reporting on cops guilty of misdeeds and more and making it a cause.Cops aren’t perfect, they are a microcosm of society like any other group and there will be, have been bad apples.Should we have a gallery of rogue reporters and editors?
Will the school board get your goat?
FINALLY: TDC conflicts under the microscope
Amendment 4: House says restitution, Senate may not
League of Women Voters not about voters at all
Should the state fund the PULSE memorial?