
WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY: Law & Order Edition???

So, this happened.And, no, we are not talking about it at the moment.Hey, we all work for somebody.

It does seem that patterns of behavior establish themselves.And weā€™ll also leave this story for another day.Florida Today isnā€™t.

Forget Build-A Bear, how about building a grudge and some very unhappy kids?Yep, one not-so-bright mom did this!Take a Florida man; add a Ferrari and a long stretch of highway, what could go wrong?

We have a Law and Order section of this morningā€™s show.It begins with a suspended Police Chief and then jumps to the Jussie Smollett case.There is plenty wrong with both of these stories.

And there isnā€™t much debate about regulating vaping and smoking in Florida, but is it smart?How about we just make a decision as to what age qualifies a person as an adult.Wouldnā€™t that be much simpler?Is it possible amendment 4 is backfiring?The presidentā€™s son-in-law says so, but is there a basis for it?

In addition to these stories itā€™s a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and weā€™ll defer to your topics as we hit the phonesā€¦so, whatā€™s on your mind?


Build a Grudge birthday party

Florida manā€¦Ferrari- what could go wrong?

Police Chief suspendedā€¦for this?

Smollett justice

Adults at what age?

Amendment 4 backfiring?

Pulling the plug on the swamp?

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