It’s a largely legislative day on the show. Yes, Representative Tyler Sirois is with us in our 7am hour, but beyond that, there are things going on in Tallahassee that simply deserve scrutiny. They have zero concern for the first amendment, or the second for that matter. They want to run everything in the state including colleges and mindsets there. They have no idea what government overreach is because they think it does not exist! Today’s the day.
There is also the idea of those ridiculous crosswalks beachside that will end up causing crashes and killing people. Congrats, Satellite, you are the DOT’s lab rats! As another class of “Guardians” graduates into the school protection workforce, the administrators have no idea how idiotic they sound with their own “expertise” (certainly a lack thereof) on school safety.
Crosswalk madness continues in Brevard
Educators “expertise” on guardians faulty
The 1st Amendment doesn’t matter in Tallahassee
Legislature wants to run colleges as well as local governments
Good legislative act: abolish the CRC