The Social Disease of Social Justice

The media has an agenda when it comes to “social justice” and related issues…until it comes to themselves as ABC so perfectly shows us.Bill Maher is right again when it comes this issue and we have yet another horrible local example.

At least one state is getting the idea on school safety and maybe they are leading the way.

Could we be seeing the end of recycling?I certainly hope so.

Speaking of waste, take a look at how the state spent some three and half a million of your money!

Those stories and more are in play today on BML.


ABC inconsistent on “blackface”

Maher correct on “Social Justice Warriors”

ONE Social Media example- there ARE others

One state on the right track for school safety

The end of recycling?We can only hope

The state paid a company to what?

Don’t like primaries- pick a party!

TDC shakeup?

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