If you spend your time looking for offense, as opposed to understanding, you’re going to find it. On that front, is a bias response team a good idea?
Should high schoolers have to pass a citizenship test to earn their diplomas?
History was made in this weekend’s NFL playoffs. An abducted girl turns up, her captor arrested and the mystery continues.
The nation’s youngest black legislator is from where, and he’s a Republican?
Ron DeSantis had a remarkable first week as governor. When the Tampa Bay Times recognizes it, noteworthy it must have been. It was also a doozy! But, has he set an unattainable standard for sheriffs across Florida?
Looking for offense and corporate fear
Bias Response Teams- a good idea?
Playoff weekend- NFL history…or hers
Missing girl escapes, mystery continues
Country’s youngest black legislator is…a Republican