Where are we, or when, the 1970’s? Apparently streaking is still a thing. Had we only known about a program in NYC our Christmas shopping for kids could have been easy! NYPD shows us the way!
The Liberty Bell Museum is almost going to reopen. The scandal plagued organization is trying to regroup, but you have to wonder if it’s worth it. It’s the same for the moment with the County Commission. I still hold out hope for the new board, but it looks like it’ll have to wait until Bryan Lober is done with his foolishness. The TDC has a new look, but will the vision change?
In The Aftershow we’ll see what happens when bad guys meet good guys with guns and how long Tom Brady can last.
Streaking into the record books?
If we’d have only known- Christmas shopping made easy
Corruption crushed Liberty Bell Museum to reopen…sort of