
Is It Finally Over? YESSSSSS!!

The whole GO FUND ME thing has always had me wondering.  Do folks really get the money?  Are there assurances in place that donors are actually contributing to the cause?  Todayā€™s first story will not ease those concerns. 

Must we ignore history for the benefit of our kidsā€™ feelings?  Have any of todayā€™s kids experienced the things their grandparents or previous generations have?  Are we to ignore history as we teach it?

Floridaā€™s historic election is almost done.  The machine recount did not substantially change the results.  Ron DeSantis is the governor elect.  That recount is over.  It appears Rick Scott will head to the US Senate, but a hand recount of over or undervotes will finalize that and the Ag Commissioner race.  Maybe when Bill Nelson comes to that realization the emails begging for money to fight this thing will end!  We stay WIDE OPEN for your election thoughts as we bring a Friday together on BML.

Florida Todayā€™s Engagement Editor Isadora Rangel will join us in our 8am hour.  Weā€™ll get her perspectives on the recount and the state of politics in Brevard.


Falling for a scamā€¦no, not the election

Missing the lesson for feelingsā€¦maybe feelings are necessary

Judge Walker denies recount extension

Broward finishes recount, misses submission deadline

Recount shows little change




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