The Kavanaugh hearings are over (glad I was on vacation last week) and we have a new Supreme Court Justice. It’s the worst example of what our politics have become. There are no indications that the rancor will slow down. Are we doomed to the negativity and lies from now on? It would seem so, but therein lies opportunity! If we are to be inundated with the politics of destruction then let’s use them to our advantage. How? It’s simple, we become even more discerning voters and activists and we turn on those who decide we can be manipulated by such tactics. Sadly they come from both sides and we’ll have to burn a few of our own who fall to the dark side. I, for one, am OK with that. How can we say our guy or gal is better if they resort to tactics we condemn from the left? That’s right, we can’t!
We’ll focus on the Florida governor’s race for a while today and we have an interesting political situation in Brevard. With the recent death of Senator Dorothy Hukill Republicans in Brevard and Volusia have a monumental task in front of them. They must field a candidate who can mount a successful campaign with only 4 weeks until Election Day and mail ballots already out. They had better choose wisely.
In the meantime, it’s good to be back at it and we have candidates invited, if not confirmed, in Florida House and Brevard County Commission races. We’ll see who decides to appear.
The Indiana- how to begin a vacation
CA did it, but how will they know?
Election shenanigans need to stop, but won’t
Gillum may be under active investigation