At times it can feel as if there is only a small group of people fighting for the conservative side of the issue. Those in our ranks tend to be working with families and we prioritize those things over activism. Yet, the debate is important and it pays for us to be engaged. I was encouraged when I received the below letter to our school board members (Christine sent it to each of them, not just Andy Ziegler). I share it with you today as an example of what I was looking for in the INSIDER a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t take a lot to make your voice heard and this is a great example. Who’s next…?
Dear Mr. Ziegler,
If you are short on time, my position on the STOMP program and arming school personal or teachers is; I approve wholeheartedly in protecting children on school grounds.
The only way to actually do this is to have good people in position to intervene should an active shooter or other attack occur.
If you have more time, I would like to add that I am a Brevard County Resident and the grandmother of a student in a Brevard County school. I am also aware of the Brevard County statistic which makes it clear that if you are anywhere outside of your own home you are likely to be in the “presence” of citizens with concealed carry permits. This is not disconcerting to me at all as I have never seen a news story about one of these citizens committing a crime with a firearm.
There are some very vocal people who believe it would not be prudent to arm school personnel. I find their arguments to be based on emotion and not fact.
You have been put in a position of authority and responsibility by the citizens when they elected you to the school board. I believe that you are willing to make difficult decisions and my expectation is that you will do so in a logical, analytical way. There is no place for irrational fear or emotion driving decisions that will impact the safety of our children.
Thank you for your service to our community. If I can be of service to you please contact me.
Sincerely, Christine - Indialantic, Florida
P.S. I hope the meeting tonight was civil and productive.