
Everytown Using Our Kids Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day Everytown for Gun Safety uses our kids and the deaths in Parkland as fodder for their gun control agenda.  Meanwhile, we had a Mel High student arrested after a fight because he brought a handgun on campus and Titusville High was evacuated because of a suspicious package yesterday.  Florida Todayā€™s Bob Gabordi and I have differing views on these ā€œstudent ledā€™ protests and weā€™ll hash those out in our 8am hour.

Remember that NJ high school that suspended kids for posting photos of shooting range activity on social media?  Well, the school is having a change of tune after parents and 2nd Amendment advocates spoke out.  While we are on schools, it pays to pay attention to what your kids are being taught.  One Washington State father learned that the hard way.  The idea of a constitutional amendment with gun control measures wonā€™t make the Florida ballot this November.  The Constitution Revision Commission wisely turned back the idea as they prepare to finalize their ballot initiatives.  Our smart phones contain our very lives.  What about when life is over?  Law Enforcement has been accessing the smart phones of the dead with the touch ID feature of many phones.  What do you think of that practice?   Itā€™s Friday and this is BML!


NJ school changes policy on guns, depictions

What kids are being taught

Are you OK with this?


Everytown uses our kids tomorrow

Titusville High evacuated- suspicious package

Melbourne student charged with gun on campus

Gabordi: support for student walkouts


No gun control amendment on ballot


Biden talks tough- IF he was still in high school

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