
MICKnugget: 03.16.18

This week I received an email from a Mel High Junior asking if WMMB could help publicize the March For Our Lives event that is being held later this month.  She stated it was nonpartisan and was about school safety.

I forwarded her press release to our community calendar folks.  But, I have concerns, as I did with the student walkout of school this week.

Who is driving this activism and what is the agenda?  While my emailer said the event was nonpartisan she did include participating groups in the notice.  They include the Brevard Federation of Teachers, the ACLU, Moms Demand Action, Speak Out Brevard and the League of Women Voters doing voter registration.

None of those groups, in spite of claims to the contrary, are nonpartisan.  In my reply to the student I apologized if those groups were misinforming her and advised her of groups that could make it at least bipartisan.

Hijacking kids is no way to educate, inform or help them.

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