It’s interesting to me how we lost our representative government in the school safety debate. Oh, your representatives won’t acknowledge that, but lose it we did. That’s also the topic of today’s INSIDER column when it comes out around 10am. We’ll begin our discussion of the new school safety bill with that story.
In our second (and possibly our third hour) we talk with State Representative Randy Fine about the debate on this bill and what it may contain that isn’t readily visible or reported at this point. We’ll also look at the rest of this legislative session and what is headed to the governor for consideration.
If you take a look at the AROUND BREVARD section below you’ll see that we were almost the Parkland community one year ago. WFTV’s investigative team uncovered the incident that could have been tragedy in our back yard a year before the Douglas High School attack. Tomorrow on BML we will talk with Matt Reed, Assistant Superintendent at Brevard Schools about this incident and how it changed Brevard Schools.
Leadership muscles legislators to vote for bad bill
Astronaut High was almost Parkland a year ago
Letter proves education does not mean smart
Last week’s MICKnuggets: Take a breath and UNDERSTAND
BCSO/Schools announce active shooter, safety plan
School safety bill passes House, goes to governor
Budget deal reached, session to end Saturday
Senators get “gifts” after passing watered down bill
Parkland father echoes call for solution not gun control