
Safe Room Not Always Safe...from criticism, anyway 03.06.18

We are on a streak!  We begin two days in a row with an uplifting, positive story that gives me hope about how we relate to each other.  These Philadelphia school kids really love their teacher.  And they all get rewarded.  I should probably avoid Qantas Airlinesā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure my language would not be appreciated!

One Sheriff in Wisconsin has nailed the problem leading to mass shootings in our country.  He gets that gun control is not the answer and he points out some key things.   One student is calling one of the Parkland teachers a coward.  The teacher protected a good number of kids during the shooting, but this kid was left outsideā€¦what would you have done?

Fox News and other entities, I am sure, need to slow down.  A report from the FOX News website is laying blame on a Broward County Captain for the staging order that may have prevented some officers from entering Douglas High school.  The problem is that the story has not been fully reported, that is, investigated and sourced by the reporter.  Yet, this national news organization ran with it on the website.  Itā€™s irresponsible and careless.

Mike Haridopolos joins us to evaluate the actions of the Florida Senate in hour 3.  The body he formerly led as its president has passed a school safety bill that includes raising the age to buy a firearm to 21, a three day waiting period (with exceptions) and the school marshal program that would arm school staff who choose to participate in the program.  Will the House accept the Senate version?  With a large number of amendments already filed, it likely does not.  But, will they pass anything before Friday or leave it to a special session?


These students give you hopeā€¦and basketball tickets

Theyā€™d really love me saying, ā€œdarlinā€™ā€

One for the good guys


Last weekā€™s MICKnuggets: Take a breath and UNDERSTAND

BCSO/Schools announce active shooter, safety plan


Parkland father echoes call for solution not gun control

Safe room not always safe (at least from criticism)

What the Senate is passing to the Florida House (and didnā€™t)

The Florida Senate debate on school safety

Senator Tom Lee blasts House/Senate leadership on conduct of business


FOX News and the rest need to slow down!

Wisconsin Sheriff nails the school shooting issue

Blaming the NRA backfired

It wasnā€™t a threat- Delta loses GA tax break

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