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All in the Family is classic television and great comedy. The letter to Florida Today evoking Archie Bunker in reference to my Sunday column is also as funny as it gets. While the writer clearly doesn’t like me, and that’s fine, he should probably read the column for understanding before firing off a letter that not only misses the point, it’s as if he has no clue what I wrote. I agree that he certainly has no clue. You’ll see what I mean.
We’ll finish up our take on how police officers are compromised in Broward County by being forced to cover up crime in schools rather than taking action that could actually have saved lives at Douglas high school. On a positive side, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and Brevard County Schools have developed a new active shooter response plan that will go much further in protecting schools from such an event.
Yesterday Sheriff Wayne Ivey and Superintendent of Schools Desmond Blackburn made a joint announcement regarding that new active shooter policy for Brevard Schools. It’s a good one, but someone at Florida Today is trying to stir controversy and making Wayne Ivey the target. Did they not see he and Desmond were together? If Desmond had objections would he have shared the microphone with Wayne as the announcement was made that we will arm certain staff in our schools? I think not. Not and remain quiet about his disagreement. So, with the Superintendent and Sheriff in agreement, we’ll look at the proposal on today’s show.
In our third hour Mike Haridopolos will join us with analysis of the legislative reaction to the Parkland shooting and the governor’s plan to enhance school safety and whether it has a chance to pass as presented.
Is Bill channeling Archie Bunker?
Did POLITICAL CORRECTNESS kill 17 in Parkland shooting?
BCSO/Schools announce active shooter, safety plan
SRO attorney says deputy is no coward
Legislators call for Sheriff Israel suspension
Governor says get facts before suspending Israel
FL House launches Parkland investigation, but is it necessary?
Texting while driving bill dies in Senate
The governor’s plan to stop school shootings