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Two Arrested For School Threats (DeLand, FL) -- A cell phone case shaped like a gun is responsible for a lockdown and a student's arrest in Volusia County. When someone saw the 15-year-old with the case at DeLand High yesterday, they thought it was a real gun and reported it. The school was placed on lockdown for about half-an-hour, and the student was arrested. Also, a 13-year-old at Pierson's Taylor Middle High School was arrested for threatening to shoot up the school, but the threat was found not credible.
Douglas High School Students Arrive At Capitol (Tallahassee, FL) -- A teenager who lost a friend in the Broward County school shooting is blaming lawmakers for his death. Fifteen-year-old Melissa Camilo and some classmates at Parkland's Douglas High School met with lawmakers yesterday in Tallahassee. Camilo says her friend, Peter, is dead because they're not doing their job. She and other survivors will attend a rally at the Capitol at noon today, and she tells the "Tallahassee Democrat" she and her classmates will not stop fighting.
Douglas High School Students Describe Reception In Tallahassee (Tallahassee, FL) -- Those students from Broward County arrived in Tallahassee to open arms but not necessarily open minds, they say. Students who survived the Douglas High School shooting arrived at the Capitol yesterday for meetings with lawmakers. Some students told the "Tampa Bay Times" some lawmakers seemed more interested in talking about how great they are than in listening to the students' suggestions to make schools safer.
Shooting Survivor Credited With Saving Lives (Parkland, FL) -- Support is pouring in for one of the heroes of the Douglas High School shooting. Fifteen-year-old Anthony Borges was shot five times last week, but a friend tells ABC's 'Good Morning America' he saved about 20 lives in the process. Carlos Rodriguez says Borges was shot while trying to close and lock the door to a classroom where he and others were hiding. A GoFundMe page for Borges has raised almost half a million dollars, thanks, in part, to a call for donations from US soccer star Landon Donovan.
Tampa Lawmaker's Aide Fired For Comment About Douglas High School Students (Tallahassee, FL) -- A comment about students who survived the Broward County school shooting is costing a lawmaker's aide his job. House Speaker Richard Corcoran yesterday fired Benjamin Kelly for calling some students interviewed by CNN professional actors that travel the country portraying themselves as victims. Kelly was an aide to Tampa State Rep Shawn Harrison, but Corcoran oversees all House employees. Douglas High School's principal confirmed to the "Tampa Bay Times" that the students Kelly was referring to are students at the school, and he says Kelly's claim was outrageous, disrespectful and part of what's wrong with the country today. A SIMILAR POST WAS HEAVY ON FACEBOOK YESTERDAY.
Brevard County Wants To Move Quickly On Hiring New Attorney (Titusville, FL) -- The Brevard County Commission in yesterday’s meeting discussed replacing County Attorney Scott Knox who is retiring at the end of next month. Knox recommended commissioners wait until November's election to find his replacement, but the commission decided to start the hiring process immediately. "Florida Today" reports the commission also named Deputy County Attorney Eden Bentley as Knox's interim replacement. THAT WHOLE WAITING UNTIL NOVEMBER THING IS A SOLID AS THE ETHICS OPINIONS HE KNOX DELIVERED IN RECENT YEARS. WHAT’S HE THINK HE IS, A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE?
Salman Statement To Be Allowed At Trial (Orlando, FL) -- The case against the widow(ALLEGED CO-CONSPIRATOR)of the Pulse nightclub shooter will include a statement she tried to suppress. A judge's ruling released yesterday shows he will allow prosecutors to use a statement Noor Salman made to the FBI shortly after the shooting. In that statement, Salman told agents she knew Omar Mateen was going to attack the nightclub that night in 2016, and she's sorry she didn't warn anyone. The "Orlando Sentinel" reports Salman's lawyers say the statement was made after the FBI threatened to take away her son. (FIRST WE HAVE HEARD OF THAT)
2016, Denny Hamlin won the 58th running of the Daytona 500 in the closest finish in race history. Hamlin edged out Martin Truex Jr. by 0.01 seconds for his first career Daytona 500 victory.
2003, a deadly oil refinery explosion on Staten Island, New York shook homes and sent smoke and flames shooting hundreds of miles into the air. The explosion took place at the Exxon Mobil storage complex. At least two people were killed. (WE DON’T KNOW THAT NUMBER BY NOW?)
1988, televangelist Jimmy Swaggart confessed to his congregation that he had an affair with a prostitute at a seedy motel.
1972, President Nixon began his historic visit to China.
1965, civil rights leader Malcolm X was shot to death while addressing a crowd at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. He was 39.
1947, Edwin Land demonstrated his new camera which could take and develop a picture in about a minute. It became known as the Polaroid Land Camera.
1931, Alka Seltzer was first introduced to consumers.
1885, the Washington Monument was dedicated.