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Naked Man Arrested Outside Melbourne Business (Melbourne, FL) -- A man who couldn't explain to police why he was naked will get a chance to explain it to a judge today. Melbourne Police arrested the 31-year-old man yesterday afternoon in the parking lot of a plumbing business on Dow Road. Officers say he gave numerous stories as to why he was naked, but they say none made sense.
McDonald's Worker Refuses To Serve Cop (Palm Bay, FL) -- McDonald's is investigating what it calls unacceptable behavior by one of its Palm Bay employees. A city police officer posted on Facebook that one employee at the Babcock Street location refused to serve him last week because he's a police officer. Officer Tim Lancaster wrote that he was shocked and disappointed and will never eat at McDonald's again. His post has gotten more than six-thousand Shares and McDonald's tells Channel 9 that kind of treatment won't be tolerated. WE’LL TALK THIS STORY LATER IN OUR SHOW.
Mayor Gillum Weighs In On Maddox's Possible Resignation (Tallahassee, FL) -- Tallahassee's mayor wants a city commissioner to remember what he calls a public official's utmost responsibility. Commissioner Scott Maddox appears to be the subject of an FBI bribery investigation and two of his colleagues have said he should consider resigning. Mayor Andrew Gillum said last week that Maddox's utmost responsibility is maintaining the public trust. Gillum also told the "Tallahassee Democrat" he encourages Maddox to consider the options that are in the best interest of the community and his family. IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE IF THE MAYOR’S POSITION REMAINS CONSISTENT AS THE INVESTIGATION CONTINUES TO BE REVEALED.
Pedestrian Hit By Car May Have Robbed Store (Jacksonville, FL) -- A pedestrian hit by a car is believed to have committed a robbery just minutes before. The pedestrian died after the collision last night in downtown Jacksonville at West State and North Newnan streets. The JSO says witnesses told officers the pedestrian and another person were running from a Family Dollar store they just robbed. The other person was arrested, and the pedestrian was taken to the hospital where they died. INSTANT JUSTICE?
Goats To Caddie (Seneca, OR) -- FIRST IT WAS YOGA, NOW IT’S GOAT GOLF…Golfers at one Oregon resort won't just have to depend on any old kid to caddie. The Retreat and Links at Silvies Valley Ranch in Senaca is training goats to work as caddies for the golfers. Set to open later this year, the resort says the goats will have special backpacks to haul around clubs, ball and beverages. NOT BAAAAAD.
Florida Gator Caught Hiding Under SUV (Sarasota, FL) -- A small gator gave two Sarasota, Florida police officers a run for their money. The four-foot gator was lurking underneath an SUV parked at a grocery store. It could have posed a danger for shoppers walking through the parking lot, but the two officers were there to save the day. They jumped into action, pulled the gator out, secured his jaw and put him in the back of their police vehicle. The gator was then taken and later released to a body of water in the eastern part of Sarasota County. TEHRE IS ONE AND ONLY ONE WAY TO HANDLE THIS…DISPATCH, CALL FISH AND WILDLIFE WHILE I KEEP PEOPLE AWAY UNTIL THEY DEAL WITH THIS PROBLEM.
Ex-Principal Accused Of Plagiarism Ordered To Attend Writing Class (Boca Raton, FL) -- A former high school principal is being forced to take a creative writing class after being accused of plagiarism. Mark Stenner was principal of West Boca Raton High School in 2015 when he was accused of copying his graduation address from a previously used on by a Massachusetts teacher. District officials removed him from the school and he retired last June but that's not the end of the tall tale. The "South Florida Sun-Sentinel" says state leaders ordered him this month to pay a 750-dollar fine and take a college-level creative writing course in order to keep his state teaching license valid. Stenner has agreed to the request. HE RETIRED…SO LET’S INVOKE THE BART SIMPSON SOLUTION: I WILL NOT PLAGIARIZE OTHER WRITERS, I WILL NOT PLAGIARIZE OTHER WRITES…BUT HE HAS TO MAKE UP HIS OWN SENTENCE…THIS ONE HAS ALREADY BEEN PUBLISHED, YOU UNDERSTAND?
2016, New York Mets reliever Jenrry Mejia was banned from the MLB for life after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs for a third time. This was the first time the MLB issued a lifetime suspension for a violation of its drug policy.
2002, Pakistani officials charged three men in connection with the kidnapping of "Wall Street Journal" reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi. All three and a fourth man were later convicted of Pearl's murder.
1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton of perjury and obstruction of justice, ending a 13-month drama that began with the president's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky and led to only the second presidential impeachment trial ever in the United States.
1973, the first group of U.S. POW’s were released from North Vietnam.
1973, the state of Ohio became the first state to post metric distance signs. THEY WERE ALSO VERY NEARLY THE LAST TO DO SO!
1924, President Calvin Coolidge made the first presidential political speech on radio.
1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the NAACP, was founded.