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Mark Twain said, "Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.” I would add, or have 3 hours a day on the radio. Brevard Federation of Teachers Vice President Anthony (No Need to Buy a Vowel) Calucci apparently hasn’t learned those lessons. He also has a twisted perspective on the recent negotiations, impasse, pay history and actions of his members. He decided to take me on with a letter to Florida Today. We take BIG TONY to school in our 7am hour.
Prior to the school bell ringing, we have to finish up our look at Marshall Frank’s ideas on improving our federal government. And I have a thought or two on former Sheriff David Clarke’s actions, even though he won the lawsuit filed against him.
In Brevard politics, three of the Republicans in the D-2 county commission race have dropped out. Another apparently has too big of an ego to talk to the others and will escort Chuck Nelson right back into his old commission seat. The other 4, the ones who met for the good of the county- they are actual leaders and I am encouraged that they will be around a good, long while. The Sheriff got most of his wishes on animal control issues with a unanimous commission vote yesterday. To his credit the sheriff made changes suggested by the impacted citizens. Where the sheriff is playing politics is with returning feral cats to the locations where they are picked up as opposed to properly adopting them out or disposing of the nuisance critters. This week’s INSIDER column will address that issue.
And, to top it off- it’s a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and when we hit the phones, you are in charge of the topics we discuss. Get your info ready, call us at 321-768-1240 and let’s talk it out!
David Clarke wins- still wrong
Frank: ideas on government worth discussing
VP of BFT says my facts are cheap shots…OWN your behavior!
In case you missed them: Last week’s MICKnuggets- Union VP challenges facts
Teachers’ union VP doesn’t like my poem – or being held accountable for union’s bad actors
3 D-2 commission candidates drop out…good, smart call
Commission approves new animal control rules- with modifications
Gabordi: when the national press did its job
Felon voting rights make November ballot
Federal court rules in House’s favor in Visit Florida subpoena