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Yes, it was a Boo-Boo when Superintendent of Schools Desmond Blackburn was set to accept a 1.5% pay hike on top of the 5% catch up raise he was awarded earlier last year. With the District embroiled in a battle with the teachers’ union, the political reality was that the situation was made worse with this additional raise in pay. But yesterday Blackburn turned the Boo-Boo into a Boo-Yah as he decided to donate the 1.5% for this year to help teachers obtain classroom supplies. He’ll join us for the first segment in our 7am hour.
Following Desmond, State Representative Randy Fine will update us on the most interesting start to a legislative session I can remember. In addition to the Senate having no leadership in the wake of the Flores/Braynon affair, we actually had legislation under consideration this week. Not that the Adulteress in Chief will let it get past her, but we do have a bill that would allow some school employees to carry weapons on campus. Allowing counties to adjust TDC taxes for infrastructure use, making texting while driving a primary offense and other measures have made committee stops. Randy will clue us in.
In our final hour, Florida Today’s Bob Gabordi will join us and we’ll put a bow on the talk week that was our first of the legislative session. Do we need a Tallahassee SVU? How about a real ethics overhaul? Mitch Needelman is back in court today. What an interesting week it’s been.
If it sounds too good to be true…
TDC bill splits Brevard (what is Goodson thinking?)
Gabordi: newspapers in transition, not dying
Employee school carry bill up again
Corcoran will not name names of harassment suspects
Around hanky panky, House moves on texting driving ban
Corcoran wants “House of Reformers”
Scott’s last State of the State (hormone charged?)
It’s not just Tallahassee: MO governor sexcapades
WV legislator doesn’t understand leadership
Pastor’s decades old “incident” with teen highlights more than #metoo
Pastor in story above will not face charges