Did we need USSSA to come to Space Coast Stadium? No! Apparently all we needed was a herd of goats! We have updates on a couple of stories we touched on last week…and Utah art teacher and Sheriff David Clarke are facing different results than we may have thought.
This community always comes together in times of need and now is no different. A story of those helping an ailing MPD Sergeant highlights that. RLC leader Bob White is running for governor and while his chances of being nominated are slim, his fundraiser is a great idea! Ron DeSantis has entered that same Republican Primary. The field is crowded. Palm Bay councilman Tres Holton has seen his share of press. His latest move has generated more and a question about consistency in his philosophy on guns. We have a Circle of Death in Viera and the region will now bring us the Death Diamond and it’s under construction.
The trial of admitted terrorist Noor Salmon has an interesting twist- a false confession specialist. I believe the defense team is stretching for that one.
Isn’t it funny when the left disagrees with you and can not counter your success (in word or deed) suddenly YOU are mentally unstable? The president isn’t taking those accusations without firing back. Of course, it’s on TWITTER. Like that was going to stop the madness.
With all this in play…welcome to Monday!
Should have done this with Space Coast Stadium
UPDATE: Fired art teacher has a chance
Sheriff David Clarke facing trial- one count in suit stands
Floridians in the Winter Olympics
Indian River lifeguards win brewing reality show
UGA group wants to control language, PC, of course!
Community comes together for MPD Sergeant
Bob White schedules unique fundraiser
The Death Diamond is under construction
Holton: 2nd Amendment Champion or afraid of public?
In case you missed them: last week’s MICKnuggets
Does year round DST have a chance?
Pulse terrorist’s wife also a terrorist
Defense brings “false confession” specialist to add twist
DeSantis enters FL gubernatorial race
Rand Paul, President Trump agree on use of suspended foreign aid $
When the left disagrees with you…you are unstable…
VA House seat settled by draw…or is it?
Musk: Falcon Heavy will go by end of January