In this week’s County Commission meeting John Tobia was to propose censuring a member of the TDC for his take on Randy Fine’s legislation that would free up TDC monies for infrastructure projects that benefit all of Brevard, including tourists. This is a waste of time and bit of political grandstanding by the rookie commissioner.
While I agree with Tobia’s position on the issue, his actions are a juvenile and transparent attempt at political one upping the citizen board member, his organization and other commissioners. The theatrics need to stop and the commission should advise Tobia of such. If there is anyone in need of censuring, it’s Tobia. He’s wasting the time of the commission on these matters along with his attempts at public votes on legislative issues that are far out of the commission’s jurisdiction.
Tobia is right that the monies spent by the TDC should be divided and some made available for use by the county on infrastructure. I have been advocating that since the legislature allowed panhandle counties to use their TDC funds for emergency services during spring break. But to go after a citizen who sits on the TDC advisory board is unbecoming and to suggest some meaningless action by the commission that has no impact at all is just plain stupid.
The citizen has a right to disagree without fear of reprisal or ridicule from his government. That’s something a conservative lawmaker should understand and support.