We’ll get to catch up a bit on today’s BML. We’ve had news from the County Commission and the School Board that we have been just too busy to tackle. Also, why doesn’t Colin Kaepernick have a job? One NFL star says he’s not good enough to be a lightning rod. Palm Bay has a school zone traffic problem that signs won’t fix…but tickets will! Connecticut shows us that you just can’t legislate everything, but that won’t keep them from trying. In our 8am hour Florida Today’s John Torres steps in for Bob Gabordi. The summer podcast is a far cry from Murder on the Space Coast, but not to worry, he’s working on another of those, too!
Sign Colin Kaepernick? One star says he isn’t good enough
Palm Bay has a traffic problem that signs won’t help
Connecticut town wants to ban texting and walking
Commission just says no to “medical” marijuana
Says yes to Lori Wilson Park TDC scam
Blackburn/Ziegler: FLORIDA TODAY blew the settlement!
Someone didn’t think this one through
Blackburn wants internal auditors
OPERATION CHOKEPOINT- done, thankfully