(Photo: GettyImages.com)
It is good to have a sense of determination in American foreign policy this morning. Last night the president, upending the failed war policies of the Obama administration, set the military on a path to victory last night. Either commit to win or don’t. He chose the first. And for the first time in a long time, Lindsey Graham is on the right side of this.
Just who is bringing the violence to the culture war in our country? It’s not the folks who would preserve even ugly parts of our past. One observant Park Ranger caught a bomber in the act.
Brevard Schools will sue Harris, the company that bought out EDR, for failing to perform in the software fiasco. Commissioner John Tobia is pushing for more accountability from the EDC. While the commission is distracted there, the TDC wants to become the county’s parks department. Tobia’s idea is a good one. The TDC is out of bounds.
Something new- Lindsey Graham making sense
Who’s bringing the violence? Not the preservers of history
Brevard Schools suing Harris over EDR software deal
Tobia pushing for EDC accountability
TDC wants in the park running (money making) business
Meet Isadora Rangel- FT’s new Opinion Page Editor
Hanging around for now:
Someone didn’t think this one through
Florida Today missing the point in airport name dispute
Rabble rousers to attend Melbourne council meeting re: Confederate Flag
A look back at last week’s MICKnuggets (with “the O word” edited in)
Blackburn wants internal auditors
Governor wants supermajority for tax hikes
How small state politics matter (beyond the electoral college)