And we have a victory, unless you’re Glenn who called when talked the UF event yesterday! The University of Florida has denied the request of a Charlottesville activist to speak on campus next month. It only took us 3 days of railing to get there. Finally, the message got through somehow.
I can’t believe the alleged professionals running Melbourne’s and Orlando’s airports don’t have better things to do than whine about the Melbourne name. I don’t like it. It’s stupid and I’ll continue to call them on it, but are there no bigger priorities for them?
Folks still aren’t getting it about racism and history and violence. Are we doomed because of a lack of compassion and understanding? Don’t tell me it’s one sided because it isn’t. Some from the left want to see Republicans put out of work…because they are Republicans!
CRA’s are a problem and our own community is cited as one of the biggest, because it is! And Jim Banke joins us today as we talk tomorrow’s launch and Monday’s eclipse…that I swear will begin THE WALKING DEAD!
Airports head to mediation as stupidity continues
UF comes to its senses, denies Charlottesville organizer
People still aren’t getting it: The New Civil War
And they want Republicans out of work
Corcoran cites Palm Shores in CRA column
Schools excusing ECLIPSE ABSENCES
Eclipse viewing- without becoming THE WALKING DEAD!
Hanging around for now:
Blackburn wants internal auditors
Governor wants supermajority for tax hikes
We’d best learn to color within the lines
How small state politics matter (beyond the electoral college)
Horrible political timing- not his fault: Latvala announces for governor