(Photo: GettyImages.com)
We’d be better off (and more entertained) if the battle over the name Orlando, when it comes to our airport and the big one actually in Orlando, was a Celebrity Death Match! Marco Rubio is LOST on the Charlottesville blame game. He’d be better off listening to the wise words of President Trump on the matter. While the University of Florida persists in bringing a White Nationalist to speak on campus next month, the governor is readying for the potential violence. Get these words: Good Job, Governor Rick Scott! Also in Tallahassee Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. has been running around as the FBI takes an undercover look at Florida’s CRA’s and corrupt politicians. Brevard Superintendent of Schools Desmond Blackburn is proposing two internal auditors as a follow up to the bookkeeping thievery that has gone on. That’s plenty, but only our starters on this WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY.
What’s on YOUR mind?
NFL “anthem protests” are old, tired
Poor Marco can’t see the BIG picture
Rubio should FOLLOW the president on this
Governor gets National Guard in on UF bad idea
Fightin’ Word for airports- ORLANDO
FBI undercover in Florida CRA, corrupt politician investigation
Blackburn wants internal auditors
Governor wants supermajority for tax hikes
We’d best learn to color within the lines
How small state politics matter (beyond the electoral college)
Schools excusing ECLIPSE ABSENCES
Eclipse viewing- without becoming THE WALKING DEAD!
Last week’s MICKnuggets from Florida Today
Horrible political timing- not his fault: Latvala announces for governor