(Photo: GettyImages.com)
VIRGINIA- It's on everyone's mind and we'll devote extensive time to it today on BML. Oh, there are other stories out there, and we'll link up the attention grabbers below, but our focus today is just what's happened to us...or US, the United States. Are our words and actions helping or adding to the problem? There should be no controversy here, but I'm not betting on that. Links are below and the conversation begins in our 6am hour.
President Trump was right to begin with
If you’re going to SPEAK OUT- do so with facts and understanding
We’d best learn to color within the lines
Glen Campbell’s pal…Alice Cooper?
How small state politics matter (beyond the electoral college)
Jeb loses again- yes, we told ya so!
Last week’s MICKnuggets from Florida Today
Horrible political timing- not his fault: Latvala announces for governor