Just maybe you don’t have to take those photos or bake that cake for a gay wedding. And maybe your NC college can’t shut down a conservative speaker. Could that one go too far? When you have a community discussion about a certain group, how can you discuss it when mentioning the group is banned? Dave Isnardi has taken leave at Palm Bay and that’s a smart move. Schools open next week but one professor says our pre-schools aren’t gay enough…huh? VISIT FLORIDA’s head is resigning, saying he can’t operate in the Sunshine (dirty deeds done dirt cheap?). Bob Gabordi was scheduled with us at 8am. Unfortunately he’s a bit under the weather. Hiss charitable efforts are drawing criticism…and some support!
New Today:
And another- but does this one go too far?
How do you discuss an issue when you can’t mention it?
Isnardi taking time off in Palm Bay
But your pre-school isn’t GAY enough
Tourism head finds he can’t work in the sunshine
Christians in the White House? STOP THEM!
Gabordi to perform in DUDE event
Some support for Bob’s transformation
Still to tackle:
Does the BPS budget stop plasma selling?
Armored cars NOT the answer to Brevard Schools' theft problem
New County Manager- is it golf vs roads?