(Photo: GettyImages.com)
We continue the quest to catch up on today’s BML. We’ll also wrap up day two of Sustainability and Melbourne, which apparently wants to be governed by the left and the League of Cities: We’re covering this with councilmen who voted on different sides of the issue. Paul Alfrey was with yesterday. Today Tim Thomas steps up for the no side. Tim joins us at 8am.
Schools are going nuts on the transgender thing, Colin Kaepernick killed NFL ratings, football of all levels and brain disease, the BPS budget- armored cars and selling plasma, is the Trump White House now Celebrity Apprentice? We also have Sheriff Joe Arpaio convicted of contempt, the county budget scramble and sports tourism in Brevard all in play as we continue our talk week together.
Segregating normal kids who object to trannies in their toilets
Colin Kaepernick killed the NFL's ratings more than brain disease
And the football brain disease numbers are SHOCKING!
Teachers' Union disappointed (maybe it’s time to sell more plasma!)
Armored cars NOT the answer to Brevard Schools' theft problem
New County Manager- is it golf vs roads?
Sports for tourism? Here comes the cash flow
New today:
Ever a fan of KISS- Open this story!
Princeton says students can be multiple genders- hope the med school knows better!
Celebrity Apprentice or getting it under control?
Just funny- things lasting longer than Anthony Scaramucci as WH Comm. Director
Sheriff Joe convicted in contempt trial…could happen to any of us with that court!