You’ve heard that no good deed goes unpunished. It has a ring of truth, at least until the truth is outed. It happened to a young Texas man as he bought a cop a cookie. Technology is bringing interesting changes to our world and at least this one was good. Speaking of, not ready for prime time electric cars are to get a boost in West Melbourne. When a cop believed his eyes and not the computer generated information on a driver he cited, the offender got bent out of shape. The cop’s now in hot water. Racists- we have your self-identifying shirt even if you didn’t know it was one. Is college good or bad for the country? John Tobia has Holtonized tonight’s county commission meeting with an unnecessary resolution that has zero weight, but has generated lots of controversy. Even state officials are weighing in on it, but it’s really NONE of their business! Commissioner Curt Smith, responding to reporters, says he will run to retain his seat on the commission. You didn’t think he’d back down against a weak candidate did you?
Good deeds results in suspension
Bad guys, your tech is telling on you!
Not Ready for Prime Time technology hits West Melbourne
Tobia right, but flubs with Puerto Rico resolution
Smith will file to retain commission seat
Republicans in the Senate should like this
500 VA employees, 200 suspended
Which government is best to govern?
Fighting terror- Czechs get it