2016, the State Department said Hillary Clinton did not comply with the agency's policies on e-mails and records, by using a private e-mail server. A department inspector general report also blasted the Democratic presidential front runner and her top aides for not cooperating with the review of her e-mails.
1992, Jay Leno replaced the retired Johnny Carson as host of NBC's "Tonight Show."
1977, "Star Wars" opened in theaters across the U.S. A long time ago in a theater far, far away...
1968, St. Louis' Gateway Arch was dedicated.
1961, President Kennedy called on Americans to help work toward putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade. And we did it, right here on the Space Coast!
1935, Babe Ruth hit the 712th, 713th and 714th home runs of his career. They would be the last home runs he would ever hit. And the record stood until drugs intervened!
1927, the Ford Motor Company discontinued the Model T. The car was replaced by the Model A. Was Ford dyslexic?
1844, Stuart Perry patented the gasoline engine. Leading to the above event it seems!