2007, amid controversy and scandal, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz resigned from the position. Wolfowitz received heavy criticism for giving a salary raise and promotion to his girlfriend, who was also a World Bank employee. A bank panel found that Wolfowitz violated the terms of his contract and engaged in a conflict of interest. Isn't there a word for PAID GIRLFRIENDS?
2004, the state of Massachusetts became the first state in the country to issue marriage licenses for same-sex marriages. NOT THAT GIRLFRIENDS ARE NECESSARY!
1996, President Clinton signed Megan's Law into effect. The law requires neighborhood notification when a convicted sex offender moves into the area.
1987, 37 U.S. sailors were killed when an Iraqi warplane attacked the U.S. Navy frigate Stark. But we still look cross eyed at grandmothers getting on airplanes with too much shampoo!
1954, the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Brown versus the Board of Education of Topeka case. The high court declared that "racially separated educational facilities are inherently unequal." And now students of color are demanding to be segregated at American colleges. Maybe if we mandate segregation again they'll get the message their parents and grandparents understood and fought to change!
1875, the first Kentucky Derby was run at Churchill Downs in Louisville.
1792, the New York Stock Exchange was formed.