Bill's Daily News: Odd News & Today in History

Half-Naked Dancing Man Arrested

(Zephyrhills, FL) -- What would you do if you thought it was the end of the world?  Probably not this…Pasco County deputies report that a Texas man smashed his pickup truck into a cruiser, then get out and danced before charging at a deputy, all while wearing just his boxer shorts. It happened Tuesday in Zephyrhills and ended with Joseph Pemberton being tased and arrested. Pemberton is heard on body cam video saying he thought nuclear bombs were coming.

Real Life 'Walter White' Pleads Guilty To Making Meth

(Las Cruces, NM) -- A New Mexico science teacher is a real life "Walter White" from "Breaking Bad." Former Las Cruces teacher John Gose entered his guilty plea Monday to four charges related to manufacturing methamphetamine. Gose was busted last October during a traffic stop. Officers said they found glassware, rubber tubing and chemicals used for making meth. Police later searched Gose's property and found enough ingredients to make a pound of meth.


2006, Judge Leonie Brinkema formally sentenced September 11th conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Moussaoui was to be housed in a Colorado institution known as the Alcatraz of the Rockies" where Unabomber Ted Kaczynski and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid were also sentenced.

1998, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was sentenced to four life sentences plus 30 years.

1989, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. North was convicted by a federal jury on charges of obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence in the Iran-Contra affair.

1970, four Kent State University students were shot and killed by National Guardsmen during an anti-Vietnam War demonstration. Nine others were wounded. Memorial services are held annually on the Kent, Ohio, campus for Allison Krause, Sandra Lee Scheuer, Jeffrey Glenn Miller and William K. Schroeder.

1932, Al Capone, was jailed in a federal penitentiary in Atlanta for tax evasion.

1865, President Abraham Lincoln was laid to rest outside Springfield, Illinois.

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