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What would it take for you to fly the friendly skies of United again? What if they made it like Vegas and every ticket you bought was a chance for $10,000? That day is here! And they say the markets don’t take care of themselves! It’s not the only airline story in play…we have another gaffe from the news. It all falls back to how people behave. On a more serious note, folks seem to think police work is a contest between the cops and the citizenry. It’s not! It’s about real life, sometimes as serious as life gets and it’s about facts and their proper documentation. The ideas that cops have to play “fair” or that reviewing body cam video when writing a report is unfair are completely off base. Mike Haridopolos joins us at 7am this morning. We’ll take a look at developments in Tallahassee and Washington, DC with Mike’s insights from a perspective that’s been there. At 8am Sheriff Wayne Ivey joins us as we talk law enforcement in Brevard and that “fairness and body cam” issue.
Another airline, another issue
United paying BIG for passenger problem
It’s NOT a contest, it’s about FACTS
Trump administration introduces tax plan
USA, Canada, Mexico to renegotiate NAFTA
Florida whiskey in groceries bill passes- governor considering
Governor using false comparison trying to sell Visit Florida to legislature
Some consistency on WikiLeaks would be nice
Bob Gabordi: the Honor Flight experience
Newt right on guns, immigration
Dodgeball bad turned back…why not just stop all competition?
Bill Maher backs Ann Coulter? Yep!
MUST READ if you have a family member with dementia or Alzheimer’s