US Strikes Syria- How Such an Attack Comes About



The early question today: When is it appropriate for education professionals to introduce social issues to students?  We have a Florida example where 8th grade parents and education administrators believe the 8th grade is too early.  I participated in a forum as a high school Junior that addressed many “adult” and controversial topics.  I found none of them inappropriate as I was about to launch to college or the real world and would see them soon enough.  So, if not 8th grade, 9th or later?  Just when do we allow this?

In our second hour question becomes one exploring the overnight US attack on a Syrian air base.  At 7am we’ll talk with a retired Naval Aviator who also worked at Centcom developing plans and considering potential reaction to US acts such as those we took last night in Syria.  Joel Shugars’ insights will lend an experienced eye to last night’s events.

Hour three brings Florida Today’s Bob Gabordi to our studios.  The Republicans have invoked the “nuclear option” in Senate rules on filibuster and the Gorsuch nomination.  A State Senator says the governor overstepped in removing Aramis Ayala from death penalty cases sharing a concern I have laid out.  Is the governor on solid footing or is this just a political difference of opinion?  The legislature has much left to do half way through the legislative session, but that is no different than usual.  Florida Tech has reinstated a football player who was suspended just before the playoffs last year. We’ll hit on as much of this as we can this morning and take a look at Murder on the Space Coast and the culture it seems to be uncovering.     

FL 8th graders questioned on gay views, more

BCS has in-house attorney & a side of dissention

US attacks Syrian base-significant damage under evaluation

Attack occurred after world condemned gas attack by Syria

International reaction to the US action

Republicans take charge in Senate nomination

State Senator says Ayala within law; my fear is he’s right

10 major legislative issues at the halfway mark

House/Senate differ on “Stand Your Ground” changes

FIT reinstates QB, not an easy road

Gabordi: Murder on the Space Coast shows pattern of corruption

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