The NFL is trying to wield its considerably smaller influence in Texas. Texas is having none of it! Not saying you or I agree with the agenda, but did anyone think Playboy was making a productive move when it went away from nudes? They’re back! Geraldo Rivera is often a lost ball in tall weeds, but in this case, he’s nailed Yale. A military vet has a legitimate criticism of American colleges. Why isn’t the press concerned about terrorists entering the country? We should be concerned about how antigun nuts are dealing with our law enforcement officials. We do have an answer for that … Firearm Sanctuary Cities! Is the School Board learning from the MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT? Maybe! They want to be a landlord! Richard Corcoran shows no sign of backing down on the state’s ridiculous spending. All this in play and it’s only Tuesday!
NFL threatens Texas…that is NOT smart!
NFL vs Texas…I’ll take Texas every time!
From the do what you do best file
Geraldo resigns Yale post over slavery hysteria
Vet cites culture of segregation on campus
No concern over terrorist entry to USA
Sheriff forced to disarm…while ON DUTY
Here is the answer- Firearm Sanctuary Cities
South Lake closed, to be a choice school?
School Board to get in fair business?