
The Boy Scouts Aren't! Kristine Isnardi at 8

Alright guys, camping with the Boy Scouts just got a lot more interesting!  She-males who identify as boys will be allowed inā€¦and since they are now boys, they get to sleep in a tent with real boysā€¦else youā€™ll be discriminating against them!  I think we now have proof the Florida Senate doesnā€™t get or understand ethics.  Then again, it could just be a problem with lawyers!  A leftover lawyer from the Obama administration has been fired from the Trump administration for refusing to do her job.  You see, Loretta Lynch is gone and her ideas donā€™t float in the DOJ anymore.  When it comes to the presidentā€™s vetting policy, Florida Today has exposed some ignorance of the Tourism community.  And whether itā€™s intentional or not, President Trump is beating the press in the public eye!  One Colorado legislator is proposing a smart sanctuary city policyā€¦letā€™s hope it catches on!  And in his first column since Matt Reedā€™s departure, Florida Today Executive Editor Bob Gabordi says the press needs to rethink Americansā€¦a wise piece of discernment by Gabordi.

Here go the Boy Scoutsā€¦Anything Scouts?

Proof the Senate does not get the ethics idea

Obama leftover goes political against President Trump

Youā€™re Fired!  Yes, itā€™s happened, and it should have

Eric Garvey comes out as idiot on Trump vetting policy

Intentional or not, Trump beating the press in public

Smart Sanctuary City policy proposed

Gabordi- Reed out, media should rethink Americans

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