BML Friday: When Right is Wrong

The BML candidate interview invitation and schedule

When the world turns upside down those trying to right it become the target. It’s happened to a high school track coach who’s trying to protect girls’ sports. The coach has lost his job to the madness.

Crime is a problem in many American cities. In what may the best crimefighting move since midnight basketball, one Maryland city has what it thinks is a better idea.

The push to kill fossil fuels has resulted in electric mayhem. We are pursuing this agenda regardless of the results. As we have noted time and time again, the infrastructure is not ready for this all-electric world and Europe, far ahead of us in the drive to be electric, is seeing the downside.

Business is waking up to the futility of today’s education establishment and the results it’s producing. Forget the grades, smart business managers are seeking something college isn’t providing- skilled workers.

And while we are on education, Brevard Schools have another look at discipline, but as long as they are considering the incorrect metrics, the situation will never improve.


HS track coach fired for standing up to protect female sports

New American Crimefighting

It’s electric

Business wants skills, not grades

BPS discipline- still the wrong metrics

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