BML Tuesday: Lawyers & Leadership

COVID has made its way back into the news. With new warnings and new vaccines, are you up for another round?

Lawyers and those who want to be them are featured on today’s show. Our first look is IN A HANDBASKET where the UNLV law school does not want its students using “the P word” during lunch and it’s not pastrami. In actual lawyer news, an announced candidate for State Attorney in our circuit has decided to bail out of the race. Where will that leave us?

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy has decided to mount an independent run for the office. While that can get him past President Biden and into the General Election, does it enhance his chances of being elected or make him a spoiler for the major party nominees? Who does it help or hurt?

The race for Speaker of the House is under way. We’ll take a look at what Republicans are doing to try and maintain some kind of control of the process and their majority.

Dave Bowman is with us in our third hour as DAVE DOES HISTORY looks at the Vice Presidency, specifically that of Spiro T. Agnew. His unceremonious exit from the job put a focus on the job that’s compared to a “warm pitcher of spit.”


UNLV law school lunch (don’t use “the P word”)



Kennedy leaves Dems, runs as independent

The House Speaker race

Tweaking the rules mid-election?

To vax or not to vax?



Brevard Choices for State Attorney down to one- for now


Dave Bowman


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