
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

09.18.23- Entrenched Positions

The Brevard County Commissioners have dug in. They have staked out positions on the SOE budget cut and appear to be entrenched.

Voting to cut the sample ballot money with fellow commissioner and SOE candidate Johnus Disgustus Tobia were Board Chair Rita “The Church Lady” Pritchett and appointed-to-the-board Commissioner Jason “TransKristine” Steele.

Steele has redoubled his comments in the press calling sample ballots an unnecessary waste of money and has emphatically stated he is not changing his vote.

Oddly silent in this debate was pervious no vote Rob “The Waffle” Feltner who saw his vote as unnecessary for his pal Tobia, but that may change.

Regardless, we’ll see where they all stand on elections at Tuesday night’s final budget hearing.

09.19.23- Suppressing the Vote

Today Brevard’s voting fate will be decided.

It would be incredibly stupid in a county that has a majority of Republican voters to suppress the Republican vote (or attack the Republican Supervisor of Elections), but that’s the decision the County Commission will make Tuesday evening.

Less than two hundredths of a percent of Brevard’s budget is in focus. It’s the money the SOE had earmarked for sample ballots.

Tim Bobanic’s primary opponent, Johnus Disgustus, has orchestrated this move as a county commissioner to bolster his campaign. Two of his fellow commissioners have collaborated with him to do this.

One is to bring it up for reconsideration. Tensions mount. Anger flares and we don’t know how it will turn out.

We’ll find out tonight and the true colors of the county commission will be shown.

Do they care about Brevard citizens or their political cronies?

The tale is about to be told.

09.20.23- The Toga’s Off- County Commission Exposed!

This circus act is over.

Johnus Disgustus removed his toga and his blatant political ploy to undermine SOE Tim Bobanic was exposed. So was the rest of the county commission.

When Commissioner Jason “TransKristine” Steele changed his vote and publicly announced he would move to return sample ballot funding to the SOE budget, the jig was up.

The commission would now face its public and the public was not happy.

Speakers of all political stripes spoke against the plan and, ultimately, the commission unanimously voted to return the ballot funds to the SOE budget. 


It was clear 3 of the commissioners were not happy with this turn of events, but their hand was forced.

Take a bow, Brevard, you were the best performers under this tent!

09.21.23- Jeopardy vs Match Game

Donald Trump is skipping the next primary debate and will instead go to Detroit to speak with striking autoworkers.

That has the Democrats scared.

The Biden administration decided to not send folks to Detroit, not yet anyway, and Democratic strategists say that Trump has outplayed them on the labor front.

They cite the horrible economic conditions workers are faced with under Bidenomics.

They aren’t wrong.

As for the Republicans who will debate, it’s like the Match Game panel compared to Ken Jennings as a contestant on Jeopardy.

I loved Match Game, but Jeopardy is clearly the more cerebral activity.

Until another Republican can seriously challenge Trump, he is clearly the champion and about to be named host of their game.

They can debate while Trump goes out tackling the issues where it counts, with the people.

09.22.23- Glass Houses

As the saying goes, people in glass houses should not throw stones.

It can be tough in my job when a bag of stones and a reliable sling are attached to the job description!

Even so, if thrown with accuracy and the truth, the stones have the desired impact.

Outside proper application, when agenda becomes more important than fact, those in media who have lost sight of the goal can have a problem.

A NY Times columnist posted about his airport meal complaining the $78 cost is why Americans believe the economy is terrible.

No, the reason is that the economy IS terrible, Let’s Go Brandon!

But this columnist’s bill was 80% the alcohol he consumed with his burger and fries. Besides, he was eating at an airport, what did he expect the price to be?

Forget glass houses, his glass was full!


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