BML Friday: W Melbourne Mayor Out

Ustaville used to have a mayor.Now it doesn’t. Hal Rose has “retired” from the position after disqualifying himself by moving out of town. Not that he didn’t try and stay on the job, but that didn’t work out so well. Now, council will appoint an interim mayor for the rest of the term and two council members are in the race to become mayor next time out.

California has a better way for all of us to live and they are going to tell us about it. Just like we don’t care how things are done up north, we couldn’t care less about California’s suggestions, but we’ll hear about them anyway as we begin our day.

We also have the darndest case of suicide ever, making an unwanted house guest feel welcome, Hunter Biden indicted and Governor DeSantis talking the war on our southern border. School vouchers have increased the students leaving public schools, but not in the numbers many may have thought. Brevard’s school board has changed its public comment policy.It makes me wonder the true motive.


CA drops travel ban, to spend $ educating us



How does this happen?

Ask and receive-homeowner obliges assailant

Ustaville used to have a mayor- not now

Hunter Biden indicted, could see 25 year sentence

DeSantis & the war on the border

School Board changing public comment to allow reading of objectionable material



Vouchers increase private school enrollment, but not an exodus

Hatchet attack latest of Palm Bay violent crimes

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