
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

08.28.23- I Don’t Want Your Version of Big Government!

Whether you are left, right or somewhere in the middle, I don’t want your version of big government.

A BREC activist has decided to go after me on Facebook with allegations that are ridiculous. He claims an advertiser on our stations nationally influences my opinion on a BREC resolution to put government between me and my doctor.

They want the state to ban the distribution and use of COVID vaccines. It’s not government’s decision. That’s between us and our doctors.

For any government to interject itself between patient and doctor is wrong. For schools to come between parents and children is wrong. And for those same schools to want parental involvement in kids’ lives in anything but gender issues is inconsistent and evil.

No, big government getting into our personal decisions from appliances to what we eat and drink and our medical decisions is wrong, no matter who’s in charge.

Republican big government is just as bad Democrat big government. It takes an idiot not to see that.

08.29.23- Politicians’ Speech vs Ours

The trials and tribulations of President Donald Trump have raised many legal arguments.

One in particular got my attention and raised my ire.

Legal scholars are arguing that gag orders on Trump from the various courts are on shaky legal grounds. And, while I agree with the assertion, I am not a fan of the claim that Trump has “enhanced First Amendment protections” simply by being a candidate for office.

The rights enshrined in our constitution are to apply equally to all. Yes, political speech is protected, but not just for candidates; that protection is for everyone.

Most of us don’t find ourselves embroiled in political controversy while under indictment and the courts are trying to ensure fair trials.

The combination makes for interesting discussion, but the First Amendment is for us all, not just some protected political class.

08.30.23- Meddling Media

I get that we are disappointed with mainstream media. It seems like meddling instead of reporting is the order of the day.

Clickbait headlines and misleading information have resulted in media being less than trustworthy. They may get my click, but do they earn my loyalty?

Today’s example is from FOX News. The headline says: DeSantis signals possible campaign timeout…and then ties it to Hurricane Idalia.

Wait a minute. That’s not a campaign timeout; it’s the governor of Florida doing his job!

Even more, it’s an opportunity for the governor to show leadership when the nation is focused on our natural disaster. This could actually be a campaign booster.

The governor’s handled storms well in the past. I have no doubt this will be no different.

And the campaign goes on.

08.31.23- Johnus Disgustus…Again!

Johnus Disgustus is at it again. Commissioner Tobia earned the nickname by embarrassing us all by showing up to the Brevard Delegation Meeting in a toga.

Now the near termed out County Commissioner is pulling more stunts in pursuit of the Supervisor of Elections position.

He’s stated that in Tuesday’s meeting he plans to ask the commission to reduce the SOE budget and place those monies into Brevard lifeguards, the apparent favored cause of the commission of late.

It's a stupid idea and shows that Tobia clearly has no understanding of the job he seeks.

The budget has been structured the same for the time Tobia’s been a commissioner, yet now, when he’s running for the office it’s a problem?

I don’t think so. It’s a campaign ploy and one I hope the voters can see through as clearly as I do.

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