
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

06.05.23- Understand the Assignment

The key to accomplishing a task is understanding what the task actually is.

One member of the BPS Library Porn committee clearly is missing the mark.

Jennifer Jenkins’ appointee to the committee misunderstands his job. Paul Roub asserted that, in spite of pornographic content, the books reviewed have literary value.

Conservative members of the committee agreed with that assessment in their comments, but they understood the assignment. 

The assignment is to determine if content in the books violates Florida law and is thereby inappropriate for school libraries.

Literary value is not part of the equation. Pornography is, and if it’s included, the book is out.

It’s just that simple.

While dissenting opinion is fine, either the books contain disqualifying material or they don’t.

It’s not that hard once the job is understood.

06.06.23- American Marxism

A University of Florida art professor is holding a diversity workshop for Trans-kids that will teach them to draw “marginalized’ ‘models.

Models will be fat, disabled, people of color or members of the LGBT community.

While Governor DeSantis says Florida is where woke goes to die, apparently UF is where woke goes to thrive.

The percentage of liberals teaching in and running our universities is disproportionate with the American population.

It’s where our kids learn the opposite of patriotism, freedom and responsibility. In a recent Cato study 30% of people under 30 approve of government placing cameras in our homes to prevent abuse or other crimes. IN HOUR HOMES!

The education establishment is ruining America.

Thankfully Moms for Liberty is waging the battle across the country to right this wrong.

Catch Tuesday’s show podcast for all the details.


06.07.23- M4L

This is a last-minute change to our MICKnugget. I was going to talk about game shows that got my attention during Today in History, but this is HUGE.

Moms for Liberty is under attack by the Southern Poverty Law Center which has named M4L a domestic terrorist group.

Nothing could be further from the truth. M4L is standing for what’s right for kids and our country for education.

They have waged this battle so well that presidential candidates are flocking to their annual summit to show solidarity with the parents’ causes.

As the show closed Wednesday, M4L co-founder Tina Descovich advised me that they have a donor who will match up to $300,000 in donations to the group.

Please, go to MomsforLiberty.org and donate what you can

$600k will go a long way to keeping right on the side of our kids and their education.

That’s MomsforLiberty.org.

Donate today!

06.08.23- What Threats?

A Space Force General is living in fantasy land and shirking her responsibility to the country because of her misperception of Florida and other red states.

Lt. General DeAnna Burt says she assigns personnel where they will be most comfortable based on their ‘marginalized” status and that states like Florida are a threat to military readiness.

Lt. General DeAnna Burt is a moron. She’s lost sight of her first responsibility which is to protect the United States.

The proclivities of her guardians are less than a secondary concern. Especially when the general is buying the propaganda of the radical gender benders.

Florida and other red states are no threat to these communities. They are a threat to the agenda these groups are pushing on our kids.

Unlike the Space Force, Florida is putting protection as a priority instead of proclivities.

Lt. General Burt should pay attention to that.

06.09.23- Manly Men

The story was an example of unrealistic expectations. 

A self-described liberal woman posted on TikTok lamenting the idea that she could not find a manly man who was not conservative.

Those of us in the category already knew this. No self-respecting manly man would wear a man bun, believe in more than two genders or allow himself to be emasculated by the unrealistic expectations of the left.

Yet, this gal was surprised there are no liberal manly men.

She wants a traditional man who has liberal leanings. She wants to be treated like a lady, but have no expectations of acting like one herself.

She doesn’t want a man; she wants a unicorn. The guy she wants doesn’t exist. Not as a guy, anyway.

Real men are manly and liberal men are something else…and apparently, not what even liberal women want!

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