The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Education…and FURRIES?

…School Board Member Matt Susin

Gilda Radner as Rosanne Rosannadanna told us it’s always something. There is nowhere that is more true than in education.We’ll focus largely on that world today as agenda driven instruction has replaced actual education in far too many places. A student who wore a t-shirt proclaiming there are only two genders is back in school and so is the shirt. While he was disciplined the first time around, we’ll see what happened on this trip.A high school teacher says DEI training is “white shaming” and that the inmates run the asylum. Moms for Liberty and similar gr0oups are having an impact and they have the establishment circling the wagons.

With the official end of the COVID emergency last week, we are reminded nothing is free and includes a college education.

Brevard is not immune to the issues plaguing our schools. In our final hour today school board Chair Matt Susin is scheduled to join us and discuss the shift in the board and the job ahead of them.

We’ll begin our day with something that should not be an issue, but as we saw with Bud Light, corporations can’t stay out of the way of the gender steamroller.A college professor has been suspended for having gender identified candy.

BML Tuesday: From Tallahassee to Philadelphia & DC


We’ll travel the East Coast and the passages of time this morning. We’ll begin in Tallahassee where the latest proposed change to Florida’s constitution would make the San Francisco hippies of the 60’s and 70’s pretty happy. While there, we’ll see that the Feds (THE MAN) made big mistakes in the Andrew Gillum prosecution. No cowboys will be safe in Miami Beach hotels!

Then we are off to DC where the Durham investigation reveals the FBI was complicit and likely criminal in the “Russian Collusion” investigation of Donald Trump.The FBI admits it and President Trump has reacted.

Our last stop is Philadelphia where the nation’s constitution was born. It was not an easy delivery. Dave Bowman will relate it to us with DAVE DOES HISTORY in our 8am hour.


…what’s it going to be?

Today is yours. We can’t possibly hit every story that comes to our attention, so this one day each week I let you choose what we discuss. Anything you like, whenever you call the show at 321-768-1240. News, Politics, Sports, Social Issues, whatever has you thinking is in play on WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY.

On my mind- a unique workers’ union, squatters, anti-heroes, lawsuits, Bud Light’s pandering, immigration and Florida law on diversity. The stories are linked up below, but like I said, today is up to you.

What’s it going to be?

BML Thursday: Don’t believe Your Eyes

…Florida Today’s John Torres

With ChatGPT, a complicit media, deceptive advertising and a society that believes it’s entitled to whatever it wants, it’s to the point you can’t believe your eyes. We talked earlier this week about trust. We’d better be careful in placing that trust. You just can’t believe your lying eyes.

Bud Light’s next move is a pretty transparent attempt at reclaiming the glory days when it dominated the advertising world.  Budweiser’s new partnership is a similar effort.

A stupid professor caused a group of college students to be failed. The professor asked ChatGPT if it had written their papers. It claimed it did. It hadn’t.

Your efforts to save AM radio appear to be working; Congress is taking a look.

In a spoiled society everyone thinks they are entitled to whatever they want.Government can be that way, too.Cities are suing Kia and Hyundai because their cars to too easy to steal. After the state’s new policies on reading material in schools, one publisher is suing Florida to force its books on the state. If you can sue to have your product used, what’s next?

BML Friday: The Federal Bureau of Intimidation

…Rep. Tyler Sirois

IN A HANDBASKET today we’ll find the Secretary of Education trying to justify boys playing in girls’ sports.Why the abuse or erasure of women is so important to the current administration is beyond me. Following that, Tampa is cancelling a Drag Queen event because of Florida’s new law banning kids from attending sexually explicit performances. Why can’t they perform for adults only? What makes kids attending so important to them?

Our second hour will be focused on the FBI. Since the release of the Durham report, and in subsequent congressional hearings, we are learning that nation’s top law enforcement agency is not what we expect it to be. It’s politicized, weaponized and persecuting its own who stand for what’s right with devastating impact.

Hour three brings Representative Tyler Sirois back to wrap up our recap of the legislative session that concluded earlier this month.

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