
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

04.17.23- Education Mindset MUST Change

The Education mindset across the country must change.

Accepting the TRANSmadness that has enveloped the country is a danger to our kids, not just mentally, but to their very lives.

A Hernando County 4th grade teacher is trans, switching gender from male to female. His wife, by the way- also a teacher, identifies as a mermaid.

The trans-man told coworkers he was having thoughts of shooting students and then himself. From counselors to administrators and the superintendent, the Hernando education officials circled the wagons and determined the teacher was just stressed and presented no danger to students. He was back in class the next day.

It took a couple of weeks to notify parents who were rightfully outraged.

Until parents unite to fight this madness, our children are in danger from those charged with protecting them.

Support Moms for Liberty now.

This is urgent!

04.18.23- AI & You

As a friend texted me this morning, AI is here to stay.

Artificial Intelligence, so far improperly named it seems, is still all the current technological rage.

I suppose it should be, but that also raises concerns. In nearly every instance of science fiction depictions of artificial life AI is well intended, but becomes a time bomb for mankind.

We see where Ai can be creative, a bit creepy (I’d love to play Rummy with am AI version of my mom, but not talk to her at her funeral), or even criminal.

AI has been used to extort money from concerned parents as a device mimicked a child’s troubled voice.

I’m sure the schemes get even more elaborate.

The bottom line is, AI is coming and its creators don’t even know how it works.

It’ll take ethics and earned trust before we’re comfortable with AI…

And I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be even then.

04.19.23- Brevard School Board Blunder

I don’t know what the Brevard school board is thinking, or maybe they aren’t thinking at all.

Among the four finalists for superintendent is the Hernando County Superintendent. This clown needs to be rejected from the pool immediately. Why?

Just this March John Stratton put a mentally disturbed teacher back in the classroom the day after that teacher admitted to having thoughts of shooting students and then himself.

Stratton’s desire to be our next superintendent needs to be met with a resounding, “Hell no!”

Not that the others are any better. All are experienced education administrators, raised in an environment that has brought us the disaster education is today.

Competent fiscal and personnel management is necessary. It won’t come from this pool.

They are looking inside education for solutions that educators can not provide. It’s time to change the methodology.

04.20.23- Education Malpractice

I’m pretty sure I want my doctor to know the difference between male and female anatomy.

I’m equally sure I don’t want to be treated by a doctor who trains at The University of Texas Southwestern.

You see, at TUTS medical students are being taught that gender is a social construct that is independent of physical structure.


Gender includes, according to them, self-identification and is social in nature while sex is chromosomes, genes and body parts.

We are talking doctors here. Physical, medical doctors. It’s all about body parts!

I get a psychiatrist needs to consider the mental side, but let’s stop ignoring reality. When I (or a woman) have a physical malady, I’m pretty sure the body parts are important.

And I want my doctor to not be confused about that!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make an appointment with my OB/GYN.

04.21.23- Purpose and Passion

Thursday, we talked about eight auto manufacturers wanting to eliminate AM radio from their vehicles. It consumed nearly two hours of the show.

We addressed it again in the final segment of Friday’s show. The phones lit up again.

I learned something I thought I already understood: the power of radio.

Radio has a purpose and it inspires passion. When a topic I had intended to take one segment of the show took up the rest of our day, the passion was evident.

Whether it’s for entertainment, companionship, issues of the day or our favorite sports teams, radio has enhanced our lives.

Do you know anyone who gets in a car and doesn’t have the radio on?

There is a safety factor, too. In times of disaster, natural or manmade, radio is always there.

If you’re concerned about losing this vital tool, text AM to 52886 and have your voice counted.

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