
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

03.27.23- Blaming David

Michelangelo’s David, the famed anatomically correct statue was featured in a lesson at a Christian school in Tallahassee.

One parent’s complaint has resulted in the school principal losing her position.

Three sets of parents complained about the lesson. Two accepted the apology for the school failing to communicate lesson plans to parents in advance, as policy dictated. The third called the statue pornography and demanded action.

In the end the principal resigned under fire. So far, the teacher has not been disciplined.

Both admitted the error and apologized to the parents.

In America’s culture wars you will never please everyone. It’s impossible.

There is an issue of age appropriate content; the communication policy should have handled that.

But I’m left to wonder, if one angered parent can push an error to career fatality, just what are we coming to?

03.28.23- Nashville- Values Lost?

A shooter attacked a Nashville Christian school Monday killing three elementary kids and three adults.

This was meticulously planned and a manifesto was left behind. The shooter was 28 years old. 

This senseless loss of life is all to common in America today. The gut reaction by many is to blame the gun. That’s missing the point.

The point is: we have lost our values in today’s world.

After multiple mass shootings though the years, we still don’t take adequate steps to protect our kids.

We are expected to accept every ism that comes along as some form of normalcy as opposed to upholding the values that made us strong in the first place.

Patriotism, religion, family and community have dwindled for us. In many respects we have failed to teach our children the value in these things.

Until we fix that things will not change.

03.29.23- Interim Super…Isn’t

Brevard’s Interim Superintendent of Schools isn’t…Super, that is.

Robert Schiller is on administrative leave after battling with the board over his salary and benefits. He sent the board a scathing letter blaming them for many of the ills the district faces.

And while he is not entirely wrong in what he said, he’s stupidly wrong in how he went about it.

Schiller is an example of the elitism of the education establishment. They and only they can know what’s best for our schools.

Seems to me it’s about what’s best for themselves. He’s making the equivalent of $225k annually for the time he’s in Brevard. And he’s trying to sell his services on the side to internal departments in the district.

Why do we suspend an interim employee as opposed to firing him? Unless there is some golden parachute in his contract he should be fired now. He knew what the job paid when he took it.

We don’t need a glorified teacher for this job. We need an executive manager.

Schiller’s right- those don’t exist in the education world.

03.30.23- The Culture War is Not Lost

Our culture is our country, and it’s changing.

We asked on Thursday’s show if conservatism can survive. Some say it’s already lost. I don’t believe that.

Oh, there is a cultural shift under way, our issues and attitudes change all the time. But, the values that made America great can be maintained.

It will take purpose and plan to make it happen.

To keep patriotism, faith, family and community as strengths we’ll need organization and leadership to pursue them.

Politics and the issues around it are transient, always in flux. It’s our culture that defines what we value and the values our kids will hold dear.

Fortunately we have already seen a successful model of accomplishing the goal. Moms for Liberty have managed it in just two short years of existence.

Being informed and taking right issue to the right people in the right forum gets results.

All we have to do is follow the roadmap.

03.31.23- Trump the Indicted

Thursday evening the Manhattan State Attorney’s office announced the indictment of President Trump…without unsealing it.

Rampant speculation and alarm ensued.

That’s dangerous and overreaction is stupid.

Yes, it’s unprecedented. Yes, there are significant questions to be asked and it appears there are political motivations behind the act.

The questions will be raised. The court battle will be fought, but the courts are the place to fight it.

Those who would inflame others to take action are not thinking. In fact, they have nothing to think about just yet.

Get the facts, follow the process and let the system do its job.

If this is a political act, there will be political action to take. Politically, this could benefit President Trump’s 2024 run.

But if supporters act stupidly, all could be lost. How about we try not doing that?

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